
All aspirants are advised to register as soon as possible since the Jupeb registration closes soonest

Basic Informations You Need To Know About Jupeb Program

WHAT IS JUPEB A/LEVEL PROGRAM : Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board is the meaning of JUPEB and was introduced by university Lagos state(UNILAG) on December 2013, It was formally established in April 2014 by a consortium of ten (10) partnering universities led by the University of LAGOS. and till date JUPEB is been accepted in over 95% universities in Nigeria.

The good thing about this JUPEB A/level program is that it’s just 10 months program after which you(successful student) will gain admission into 200level in any university of your choice except A.B.U Zaria and reason being that Zaria have their own A/level program called IJMB PROGRAM and the program is still into 200 level. click here to read about IJMB A/level program

HOW JUPEB WORKS: JUPEB is an alternative means that assures a successful candidate admission into 200 level instead of JAMB. JUPEB grades the success of every student with alphabet which ranges from A – F and each of this alphabets represents number which JUPEB calls points and this points determines if you are successful or not since the point determines the course you can apply for in any universities, the total point in any A/level program is 15 points which JUPEB or IJMB adds 1 to any candidate who ensure he/she comes out successful without F which means fail. Click here to read more on JUPEB GRADES/POINTS

Jupeb Program Requirements:

In this JUPEB program all you need is just your O/level result to register and even if your O/level is not complete or you don’t have it yet, it’s not a case to worry since in the study center we also register O/level exams at an affordable price of which success is our language.  READ MORE ABOUT JUPEB


N.B. The form fee is not refundable.
Account Number: 1022294590.
Bank Name: U.B.A.


    • The Application/ JUPEB Form  # 10,000 .
    • Acceptance fee  # 20,000
    • The Hostel fee # 50,000.
    • The School fees plus the examination fee is #  220,000.
    • The textbooks and other laboratory materials  # 35,000.
    • practical’s and I.D card # 15,000

The sum total of the JUPEB school fees plus the application fee without accommodation is #255,000 however students are advised to always go with the study center provided by the admission officer within their state since its for their own benefit and staying in the school accommodation plays huge role in a student’s success .. The jupeb school fees varies from state to state, center to center and university to university.
We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send your data to us, as
further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used
during the registration.
For complaints, advise and info about JUPEB registration and admission, please call
or WhatsApp us on: 08132410702 


  1. Wen is jupeb lectures starting

    1. The jupeb lectures are ongoing

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