
All aspirants are advised to register as soon as possible since the Ijmb registration closes soonest

Always improvise

Ijmb registration guide

Are you tired of writing JAMB multiple times or considering securing university admission without UTME or probably you just finished your secondary school and do not want to sit at home while doing nothing? If you answered yes then here comes the solution to the menace, with Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE), candidates can secure 200 Level admission into their preferred university without JAMB via Direct Entry.

Kindly read through carefully for better understanding, If you do not comprehend any part of the article, do not hesitate to reach us via the contact details provided at the end of the article. Contact us through call or WhatsApp on: 08132410702 


The ijmb program is an A/level registration that requires you sitting for an entrance examination after your form registration before admission will be given to you when you apply to any university yourself and this means that most times, you will need an insider for you to be admitted and the chances of you passing the examination is low since you wont be treated like a student of that institution yet but like external who wants to gain admission. With Ijmb-jupeb Assured Educational Consult you don’t need to pass all those procedures since we will stand as an insider helping you to skip all the university procedures including writing entrance exam before you will be admitted and during the examination time, in the examination venue we will ensure that our delegates will be by our student sides only to ensure he/she writes well and come out with a good result.

There are many reason why we recommend study centers than universities when dealing with A/Level program.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER WITH LAGOS IJMB STUDY CENTER

The advance level program is far more expensive in the university than study center which makes study centers fees more affordable than the university fees

People fail more in university than study centers and this is because the university have lots of program and activates they deal with aside the advance level program making it very difficult to hear students out and monitor them to know the area they need assistance.

Does ASSU affect A/level program?

The answer to this question is that ASSU coordinates all university affair and has nothing to do with advance level program since any advance level student is not yet a student of any university until he/she is given admission by jamb through direct entry(D.E).

Although since ASSU coordinates all university affair and most university run advance level program, this might affect student running their advance level program in various university and this is why STUDY CENTERS ARE BETTER THAN UNIVERSITY while dealing with A/Level program.



It’s important for you to know that the race is not for those that knows how to run and the battle is not for those that knows how to fight but it’s GOD that shows mercy to all. Please you need the almighty GOD(ALLAH, JEHOVAH) in your life to succeed in whatsoever thing you do, be you Muslim or Christian you need GOD. You need Jesus and you need Mohammed teachings, please repent and give your life to God so that he can see you through.


Are you still doubting if the centers we give are fake please check this code to confirm the authenticity in the CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION RECORD. RC NUMBER: 2986071 and note that IJMB result is the same and can be used to gain admission in any university not minding where the exams are written.


The IJMB program was established by the The Interim Common Services Agency (ICSA) in 1976 under statute 5 of the Ahmadu Bello University Law, to run the Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE) as an alternative ‘A’ level Examination to student or candidate who may wish to seek for undergraduate admission into Ahmadu Bello University and other University .IJMBE is certified by the Nigerian University Commission (NUC) as an advanced level program for Direct Entry (DE) admission into any university in Nigeria and this makes the IJMBE acceptable in both Federal, State and Private universities in Nigeria. This page is dedicated to tell you few About IJMB. It is also established for students who has failed jamb for them to meet up with their fellow students who gained admission through jamb. IJMB certificate is presently recognized and accepted in more than 80% of Nigeria federal, state and private Universities. Thus, prospective candidates can check (item 2.2) of JAMB BROCHURE to confirm its legibility. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT IJMB A/LEVEL PROGRAM.

The good thing about this IJMB A/level program is that it’s just 10 months program after which you(successful student) will gain admission into 200level in any university of your choice except UNILAG and reason being that UNILAG have their own A/level program called JUPEB PROGRAM and the program is still into 200 level. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT JUPEB A/LEVEL PROGRAM


IJMB is an alternative means that assures a successful candidate admission into 200 level instead of JAMB. IJMB grades the success of every student with alphabet which ranges from A – F and each of this alphabets represents number which IJMB calls points and this points determines if you are successful or not since the point determines the course you can apply for in any universities, the total point in any A/level program is 15 points which JUPEB or IJMB adds 1 to any candidate who ensure he/she comes out successful without F which means fail. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE IJMB GRADES/POINTS

IJMB Program Requirements:

In this IJMB program all you need is just your O/level result to register and even if your O/level is not complete or you don’t have it yet, it’s not a case to worry since in the study center we also register O/level exams at an affordable price of which success is our language. 


To resume all you need to do is just print the form below and fill it with capital letters or register online  after which you head to the nearest U.B.A bank, P.O.S stand or via mobile transfer and  pay the sum of #8,000 which is the form money to the school account bellow and attach the teller to the form you printed out and your passport at the front of the form and scan it back to us or you can do the online registration and upload your documents. Within 24  hours of your registration, admission letter will be sent to you via email. At the day of your resumption, all you need to do is just come along with part payment of the school fee which is ranged from #70,000 – #100,000 then accommodation and all materials required for you to have a successful program will be given to you and you will start lectures at your preferred study center given to you, then the remaining fee can be paid bit by bit within the months given to you to complete the payment based on our conversation. You can be rest assured that your security or the security of your child is our main priority, that is why we have made a very conducive and secured environment our study center. Some people worry about distance but that is not suppose to be a barrier for a child who really want to learn and go far. Entrust your child in a hand that won’t fail you tomorrow both in academic performance and good results making. for more information please call or WhatsApp us on: 08132410702.

How study center operates: 
The study center is a place where students convey for their lectures for the duration of 9 months and will further spend extra one month in the university where they will be writing their final exam which makes the program a 10 months program. When a student is offered a provisional admission, the student is expected to get his/her self prepared within a month and resume since the center keeps record of academic activities and also conduct MOCK exam every 3 months to ensure every student is carried along, after which students performance is sent to various parents and guidance to keep them updated on their child’s performance.
Student’s who choose courses that are above their ability will be advice to go for a lesser one since the child wont meet up with the required point but if parents, guidance or student should insist that he/she want to continue with his/her preferred course then the center will have no choice than to proceed with their choice.  Please not that the study center wont tell any student or parent to come over without being assessed and given admission, Student is to come down to the center upon resumption only and once resumed can leave the school only on permission and any student who wont abide by the institution rules and regulation will be suspended indefinitely without refund. N.B that the form money is a none refundable one.
Step 1: input your data correctly 
Step 2: upload your credentials 
Step 3: Make form payment
Step 4: wait for admission letter
There are two ways to register for IJMB A/level program which are the online registration and the form registration.  Click on the button bellow to register via online registration 
STEP 1. 

 Print out the form below and fill your details with CAPITAL LETTERS all through


STEP 2. 
Pay in the FORM fee which is #8,000 to the following account details via direct bank deposit, P.O.S or mobile transfer 
N.B. The form fee is not refundable.
Account Number: 1022294590.
Bank Name: U.B.A.

After payment, scan the copy of the teller indicating payment along with the FILLED application form with your passport stapled to the form to [email protected].

STEP 4. 
After reviewing your application form, your JUPEB study center name and address will be sent to you through the same email you used in sending it to us within 24 hours to 72 hours. We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send in your data to us, as further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used during the registration

  • IJMB School fee is #170,000.
  • Acceptance fee #20,000
  • IJMB Form Fee is #8000.
  • Hostel Fee is #50,000
  • Text books and other materials #35,000

Making a total of #283,000. Till you write your final examination by February. THIS FEE VARIES FROM STUDY CENTER TO STUDY CENTER, UNIVERSITY TO UNIVERSITY AND STATE TO STATE. for more information please call or WhatsApp us on: 08132410702.

Enroll for ijmb with us to secure admission into 200level without jamb and with lots of
added advantage attached to it and they are 

• No entrance examination is required. 

• Admission into 200 level is guaranteed

 • Program duration is just 9 months for student to enter into any university of their choice 

• Accepted in over 90% of universities in Nigeria 

• Continuous assessments with steady lectures 

• Ijmb and jupeb results does not expires 

• Affordable fee and hostel accommodation 

• Opportunity to apply for many universities at once 

• Registration in progress for IJMB/JUPEB program. please call: 08132410702 

• There is no worries if you don’t have your o/level complete because in our center we are
giving you the opportunity to register for your o/level exams in an affordable price and 

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