
All aspirants are advised to register as soon as possible since the Jupeb registration closes soonest

Jupeb Registration

Consider this before chasing university admission. Gain admission into 200 level and study your preferred course in any university without jamb or post jamb.

Have you written multiple exams just to secure university admission ?, don’t have enough money to chase your academic because of high cost, Is the Nigeria educational sector duration too long for you to continue chasing a career or maybe you or anyone close to you have been deceived all in the name of admission by wrong study center and have lost hope on education.

Well the cause and cost of your inability to secure university admission is probably because of your lack of devotion to study, being in the wrong hands or you don’t have the necessary materials, tools, funds or people around you to succeed and that’s why you need us. 

This factors mentioned above is actually preventing you from getting that university certificate, your dream job,  preventing you from your career, political ambition or being that wonderful person you so dream of becoming. 

The trial to succeed in the academic world  but  can’t is most times referred  to EDUCATIONAL BARRICADES.

This educational barricades are the factors around you that won’t have you become successful  in your academic chase and if this article describes you then there is a way to achieve this dream without

  • writing multiple examinations 
  • having to read more hours
  • begging anyone for university admission
  • wasting more years in the university by graduating on time

This proven method is called the ASSURED ADVANCE LEVEL FORMULAR which has helped in removing the education barricades and has helped over 10,000 Nigeria youths and teens gain admission and become graduates through us.


The IJMB-JUPEB ASSURED EDUCATIONAL CONSULT is an educational platform that has helped people like you over the years to secure 200 level admission in various universities studied their preferred course through the advance level program. This advance level program is a program in Nigeria that has helped over 2 million Nigerians gain admission, studied their preferred and become graduates in less than 3 years nationwide without having to read endlessly and writing multiple examination by avoiding jamb and post utme. this advance level program is the easiest way to go about university admission.  

There are various advance level program approved by the federal government of Nigeria however we will be presenting you with the best of them all which is 100% safe, assured and guaranteed since the aim is gaining admission and avoiding multiple failure and this program is called the JUPEB ADVANCE LEVEL PROGRAM. 


Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board is the meaning of JUPEB and WAS introduced by university Lagos state(UNILAG) on December 2013, It was formally established in April 2014 by a consortium of ten (10) partnering universities led by the University of LAGOS. and till date JUPEB is been accepted in over 95% universities in Nigeria.

The good thing about this JUPEB A/level program is that it’s just 10 months program after which you(successful student) will gain admission into 200level in any university of your choice except A.B.U Zaria and reason being that Zaria have their own A/level program called IJMB PROGRAM and the program is still into 200 level.

This program will enable you.
  1. Study less then 3 years since you will be gaining admission into 200 level
  2. Study your preferred course – this program can be used to study  any course in Nigeria and into 200 level
  3. Avoid writing multiple examination just to secure university admission
  4. free recommended materials that touches the core and the basics of the examination and how to become successful
  5. Good and conducive environment to study since is also one of the factors that causes failure
  6. Guaranteed admission
  7. Counselling and guidance
  8.   Step by step guide to the program
  9. WhatsApp support community to enable examination success 
  10. High success rate
  11. Access any university admission

In most federal, state and private universities, the program is ranged from 850,000 naira to 1,500,000 since you will be offered accommodation, textbooks and other materials which we also do when you register direct and this is because of the high standard the universities have placed their schooling knowing that you have no choice than to register and this is where the IJMB-JUPEB ASSURED EDUCATIONAL CONSULT comes in by beating down some of the cost and help you run the program with the sum of 250,000 – 400,000 naira which is about 50% discount if not more depending on your location.

The jupeb registration from ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 but there is an opportunity to enroll for this program for just 10,000 naira if you can meet up with your registration before Friday this week after which the registration from return back to normal price with us.


N.B. The form fee is not refundable.
Account Number: 1022294590.
Bank Name: U.B.A.


  • The Application/ JUPEB Form  # 10,000 .
  • Acceptance fee  # 20,000
  • The Hostel fee # 50,000.
  • The School fees plus the examination fee is #  220,000.
  • The textbooks and other laboratory materials  # 35,000.
  • practical’s and I.D card # 15,000

The jupeb school fees varies from state to state, center to center and university to university… We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send your data to us, as
further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used
during the registration.

Jupeb Program Requirements:
  • O’level result
  • Passport
  • Form fee

In this JUPEB program all you need is just your O/level result to register and even if your O/level is not complete or you don’t have it yet, it’s not a case to worry since in the study center we also register O/level exams at an affordable price of which success is our language.  READ MORE ABOUT JUPEB

  • Purchase the registration form.
  • receive your admission letter and resume

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